During National Physical Therapy Month (NPTM), APTA is engaging in a public education campaign to dispel 7 common myths about physical therapy, with a good dose of reality. This campaign is supported by a national online advertising effort targeting baby boomers, women over 50, people recovering from injury, those with a healthy and active lifestyle, and those experiencing joint and muscle pain. Ads are running on various websites, including Health.com, and linking to www.MoveForwardPT.com/NPTM, where visitors can find more information and a physical therapist in their area. Visit the NPTM web page for tools to help plan and promote this campaign during your NPTM events. Available resources include web ads, a “myths” infographic and factsheet.
When myths grow, care suffers. Take this opportunity to educate consumers by challenging fallacy with fact. Show them what you really do, and how physical therapy changes individual lives and transforms society.