Congratulations, Class of 2014!
On Tuesday May 20, 2014 twelve student DPTA members graduated from the PTA Program at the Owens Campus. The PTA program students and faculty congratulate the graduates and wish them much success as they pursue their careers in physical therapy.

Getting Ready for a Successful Fall Semester!
The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at the Delaware Tech Owens Campus is getting ready for the fall semester! Sixteen first-year students have been accepted to begin the program courses this fall, and nine second-year students are returning to continue working towards their goal of completing the program in May of 2015.
Besides working hard on their studies, the students will be participating in several extracurricular activities this fall.
- On Thursday, September 11, 2014 they will participate in DTCC Run, White, and Blue 5 K to support our Veteran’s and all proceeds go towards a veteran educational scholarship.
- 2 ALS Walks: Rehoboth Beach, DE on Saturday September 13, 2014. For more information about the Rehoboth ALS Walk please click here. ; Salisbury, MD. on October 18, 2018. For more information about the Salisbury Beach ALS Walk, please click here.
- Saturday, October 25th, they will be assisting with the 17th Annual Distinguished Lecture Series Event. This year, Terry Trundle will be presenting “Rotator Cuff Dysfunction: Including Primary & Secondary Impingement”. The students will be busy organizing the event and will take advantage of a great opportunity to learn the latest information on the shoulder joint. If you would like to receive a brochure about the continuing education event at DTCC Owens Campus on October 25th, please visit the continuing education page on DTCC’s website or call 302 259-6630. The PTA Program faculty and students are excited for the start of another year and look forward to working with our clinicians and community members.