Join us for Your LGBTQ patient: Providing Culturally Competent Care. Karla Bell (UD) and Tim Rodden (Christiana Care) will be discussing how to apply the constructs of cultural competence to your LGBTQ clients.
Registration Fees: Members: FREE; Non-members: $25
Please let us know you are coming by RSVP’ing via the EventBrite registration form.
Being aware that health disparities (difference in rate, illness, or condition specific to a population) exist is the first step in becoming more culturally competent in healthcare. This population has significant health disparities. APTA’s focus on including our LGBT patients in its cultural competency focus has been lacking. Our profession dictates that we “eliminate disparities in the health status of people of diverse cultural backgrounds, respond to current and projected demographic changes in the US, and improve the quality of health services and health outcomes, and meet legislative, regulatory, and accreditation standards.” PTs identify health risks when examining patients, and determine appropriate referrals. APTA’s web site lists 5 constructs of cultural competence: cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounters, and cultural desire. Physical therapists should apply those constructs to our LGBT patients as well.
For more information about the course, including how to register, please click here.